We Talk Disco One Day | Farouche Collective
We Talk Disco One Day is Farouche Collective's exploration in creating a clear macro structure for three micro dances.
Inheriting Choreography (similar to telephone). We have spent three months passing off choreography and allowing each individual to reshape the movement with their values, interests, and desires. Part of this process is that we have not shared the outcomes with one another. The first time you see them will be the first time we see them too.
Structured Disco. Our collective memory of curated and distilled disco moves in an accumulation of pattern, phasing, and complexity.
The Same Thing Every Time. Resting our brains but working our bodies.
Something Different.
Created and performed by Felicia Lau, Erika Mitsuhashi, Mahaila Patterson-O'Brien, in collaboration with dance artists Lexi Vajda and Avery Smith.
Presented at the Gold Saucer, September 2018.